General Scholarships

Found: 33

Rensselaer High School Class of 1950

Scholarship Type(s): General
County: Jasper County

Established in 2001. Scholarship for Rensselaer Central graduating seniors who wish to further their education.

Rensselaer High School Class of 1956

Scholarship Type(s): General
County: Jasper County

Established in 2001. Scholarship to Rensselaer Central graduating seniors.

Rex Blacker Golf Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Athletic, General
County: Jasper County

Established in 2010. Scholarship for Rensselaer Central graduating seniors who are members of the RCHS Men’s Golf Team.

Robert and Marcia Johnston Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): General
County: Jasper County

Established in 1999. Scholarship for Rensselaer Central graduating seniors pursuing a degree from Indiana University, Purdue University or IUPUI.

Robert J ‘Puma Bob’ Hayes Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): General
County: Newton County

Established in 2022. Scholarship for South Newton graduating seniors who are active in their communities and at South Newton. The successful applicant needs competitive academic achievement, but this is not the overriding selection factor. The candidate must be committed to continuing their academic pursuit following high school at a four-year, two-year, vocational, or technical school. They must demonstrate a constant commitment through their interactions and relationships living life with character traits based in:  Care, Courage, Fairness, Honesty, Initiative, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, Teamwork, and Trustworthiness.

Robert R. Batton and M. Jeanette Batton Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): General
County: Newton County

Established in 1995. Scholarship for South Newton graduating seniors.

Ross and Phyllis McKee Achievement Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural, General
County: Newton County

Established in 1988. Scholarships for South Newton graduating seniors (or graduates). Trade school and repeat applicants are encouraged to apply.

Ruth Corbin / Morocco High School Alumni Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): General
County: Newton County

Established in 2010. Scholarship for North Newton graduating seniors who are descendants of Morocco High School alumni.

South Newton First Generation Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): General
County: Newton County

Established in 2021. Scholarship for graduating seniors of South Newton High School. Preference will be given to the first-generation college students (first one in their immediate family to attend college) and to those who plan to attend a 4-year college or university in Indiana.

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