Agricultural Scholarships

Found: 17

LEAP Foundation College Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural
County: Jasper County, Newton County

Established in 2020. Scholarship for a college student pursuing a degree with a focus on the pig industry.  Priority will be given to students who have a focus on pigs but a focus on other types of animals will be considered. Must be admitted to an accredited college/university.  Documentation of enrollment needs to be provided before the scholarship is paid out. 

This scholarship may be awarded to the same student more than once as long as an application is filled out each time the scholarship is offered. 

LEAP Foundation Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural
County: Jasper County, Newton County

Established in 2020. Scholarship for an Indiana high school graduating senior who would like to further their education with a 2 or 4-year degree in the pig industry.

Marvin E & Mary Lois Luers Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural, Construction / Mechanical, Vocational
County: Jasper County

Scholarship for Rensselaer Central graduating seniors pursuing a degree in agriculture, mechanics, construction, electric, or engineering.

*Endowed by an anonymous gift in honor of Herb and Hedy Ashcraft.

Michael Nesius Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural, Construction / Mechanical, Vocational
County: Jasper County

Established in 2007. Scholarship for Rensselaer Central graduating seniors pursuing an automotive or agricultural automotive degree.

Monty G. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural, Construction / Mechanical
County: Jasper County

Established in 2000. Scholarship for Rensselaer Central graduating seniors pursuing a degree in building construction technology or farm management.

Ross and Phyllis McKee Achievement Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural, General
County: Newton County

Established in 1988. Scholarships for South Newton graduating seniors (or graduates). Trade school and repeat applicants are encouraged to apply.

Scott Madison Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural
County: Jasper County, Newton County

Established in 2016. Scholarship for a North Newton, South Newton, or Rensselaer Central high school graduating senior pursuing a degree in agriculture or agricultural mechanics. 

Vision Farm Management Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural
County: Jasper County, Newton County

Established in 2013. Scholarships for  graduating seniors of Jasper, Newton, and surrounding counties pursuing a degree in an agricultural related field of study.

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