Jasper County Scholarships

Found: 64

Craig A Blann Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Law Enforcement
County: Jasper County, Newton County

Established in 2021. Scholarship for graduating seniors from North Newton High School, South Newton High School, Kankakee Valley High School, or Rensselaer Central High School, who reside in Jasper or Newton County in Indiana.

Dale Stath Memorial Agricultural Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural
County: Jasper County

Established in 2018. Scholarship for a graduating senior who is a resident of Jasper County pursuing a degree in agriculture or an agribusiness field.

Dr. Cecil and Gladys Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Medical
County: Jasper County, Newton County

Established in 1994. Scholarship to graduates of all Jasper County and Newton County high schools pursuing medically related fields of study. Adult education and non-traditional students are also eligible.

Earl H. Passwaters Agricultural Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): Agricultural
County: Jasper County, Newton County

Established in 2012. Scholarship for currently enrolled college students pursuing a degree in the field of agriculture.

Evelyn and Marilyn Erb Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Type(s): General, Vocational
County: Jasper County

Scholarship for Rensselaer Central graduating seniors (must live within the Rensselaer Central School District) who will be attending a 4-year college or university or a 2-year college, trades, or certificate program.

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